About Yourself:
I am a musician, painter, writer, professional pet sitter, and pizza maker. I've been playing the flute for 11 years and I am currently working on a degree in music. I also play the ukulele. I've been writing my own music since 2005 and I've been attempting to make albums, (however, lack of popularity is weighing me down). When I'm not walking a dog, or running a shift at Papa John's, I'm either working out tune on my keyboard or writing a short story. Other then that, my head moves so fast I can't keep up with it. I'm also a huge Miyazaki fan.
What is your favorite t.A.T.u. song?
Nas Ne Dogoniat (Premier version)
How did you become a fan of t.A.T.u.?
A long time ago I found "All the Things she said" in some files on my computer. It had been there for a while, and I started listening to it. I'm not entirely sure how it all picked up, but somewhere along the line I downloaded a few more tracks. While I was studying Russian in High school, I began enjoying the music more, so I bought Lyudi Invalidi and The Best. After becoming engrossed in the music, I started to indulge in the messages; the romanticism, the cryptic ideas... During my senior year of high school, I was almost always wearing plaid skirts. The thoughts in my head were almost overwhelming. Since then, I've been able to get a grip on things. But I still listen to t.A.T.u. more than any other band, and I love my personal-autographed posters.
Who is your favorite t.A.T.u. member and why?
My favorite always has, and always will be Lena. I will forever rival her natural beauty. I think she is not only a wonderful singer, but an incredible personality and absolute knock-out. More so than ever, I admire how little she has changed over the years. I'm not pointing any fingers, but... She's pretty much the same lady she was 10 years ago. And in the type of business she's in, that is extremely admirable.
You love t.A.T.u. because _____.
they are t.A.T.u.
Yes, that sounds silly, but I believe in it. t.A.T.u. is a bizarre and different entity that has been growing, evolving, and morphing into its own unique idea. I've never encountered a band so interesting and different. In fact, the feelings I get when describing them, I can hardly even put into words. Their music is wonderful. Their members are wonderful. Their lyrics, photoshoots, music videos, interviews, merchandise...it is their own thing, different and special than any other. I also love how many demos and exclusive files have leaked. Heheh. I wish more bands could release acapellas.