Vote for Beliy Plaschik as MTV Russia’s Video of the Year!
The current (close) MTV standings for “Video of the Year” are as follows…
1. “Spring Nicht” Tokio Hotel – 44118
2. “Beliy Plaschik” t.A.T.u. – 37490
3. “Dyshi” Serebro – 37478
Amanda, Lauren, Angie and I have spent the better part of the last half hour constantly voting for t.A.T.u.! So far, our efforts have moved them up more than 500 votes! Help us out guys! You can vote by clicking the banner below, and you can vote as many times as you want! Let’s make sure t.A.T.u. get the #1!
Tim on 12.30.07 @ 05:50 PM CST [
Lena’s phone conversation with fans
Source: forum
Thanks to nathalie
December 29th, fans arranged another “fan gathering” in Paris, France, with fans from all across Europe. t.A.T.u.’s management arranged for Lena to chat with fans over the phone. During the 15-minute phone call, fans asked Lena about her plans for New Years, Yulia’s baby, the next t.A.T.u. video and more.
YouTube links:
Part 1 • Part 2
Amanda on 12.29.07 @ 06:26 PM CST [
Yulia gave birth to a baby boy – video & transcript
Transcript by
Guys, thank you very much for all your congratulations! Some details.
The birth went fast and without any difficulties. Last night Yulia and Lena had a New Year party in a close circle of friends and their team. Yulia came home around midnight and was in bed by 2 AM, but at 4 AM she woke up realizing that the birth process started. Parviz took her to the hospital right away. So you see why the process went so fast – Yulia peacefully slept half of the time.
Parviz was together with Yulia when she was giving birth, he didn’t leave her for a second and cut the cord off himself.
The boy looks a lot like Daddy – as it should be. Yulia and Parviz keep the baby’s name in a secret.
» Read transcript
Amanda on 12.27.07 @ 03:39 PM CST [
Yulia gave birth to a baby boy
December 27th, at 6:35 Moscow time, Yulia gave birth to a healthy baby boy, weighing at 3.4 KG and 52 CM in height. Accordingly, Parviz brought Yulia to the hospital around 4:30 Moscow time and the delivery went smooth and quickly without any additional medical treatment. We wish both Yulia and Parviz all the best with raising their new son, who’s name has yet to be announced. More coverage will follow.
Amanda on 12.27.07 @ 12:25 AM CST [link]
New Viva magazine
t.A.T.u. have recorded the new album and have shot the new video – and all this in the time when Yulia was expecting her second child. This interview was a surprise for Viva! – the young women turned out to be much more serious than you’ve always thought.
The talk with Lena and Julia – in the new issue of Viva! magazine that is out today.
Amanda on 12.26.07 @ 06:30 PM CST [
t.A.T.u.’s Christmas cards
As an addition to the video greeting, t.A.T.u. wished fans “happy holidays” with Christmas cards. The pictures in the cards are of t.A.T.u. celebrating Christmas, separately, when they were small children.

Lena’s card • Yulia’s card
Amanda on 12.24.07 @ 11:46 AM CST [
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from t.A.T.u.
Lena and Yulia left holiday greetings to all the fans!
And one more thing – soon you’ll find a little s.u.r.p.r.i.s.e.
Amanda on 12.24.07 @ 07:50 AM CST [
Video: Maxim’s promotional video

Download • YouTube link
Amanda on 12.20.07 @ 09:51 PM CST [
Gallery Update: Maxim photoshoot
t.A.T.u. kick off the new year with a revealing photoshoot for December’s issue of Maxim.
Amanda on 12.20.07 @ 09:42 PM CST [
The 2007 archive
2008 is around the corner, and it’s time to look back at the memorable moments that happened in t.A.T.u.’s career and their personal lives in 2007. New songs, new photos, a new video, and everything in between. Please credit all uses.
Links regarding interviews and videos can be found in our archives or
• t.A.T.u. start to record their 3rd album, “Upravlenie Otbrosami”, and “Waste Management” from January 16. And the Russian novel “TATY Come Back” is available on the official t.A.T.u. shop.
• Lena and Yulia wish the fans “Happy Valentines Day” on February 14 with handwritten notes, featuring two unreleased photos from 2006’s promotion of “Dangerous and Moving.”
• Yulia turns 22 on February 20 and spends her birthday in Thailand. Fans from all over the world wish “Happy Birthday”, and we create a “mini-site” for her that was unfortunately lost.
• t.A.T.u. are on the TV show “Closer to Stars” on March 31, and reveal details on “In Search of t.A.T.u.”, later renamed “Finding t.A.T.u.”, a movie based on the Russian novel “TATY Come Back.”
» Read more
Amanda on 12.18.07 @ 04:23 PM CST [more..]’s vote requests
Source:’s White Robe site
“Beliy Plaschik (White Robe)” is the first single for the new t.A.T.u. studio album “Upravleniye Otbrosami” (Waste Management) planned to come out in the April, 2008.
November, 29 this video got into MTV Russia exclusive rotation.
You can vote for “Beliy Plaschik” or request its inclusion into play-lists here:
• Europa Plus
• Russian Radio
• Nashe Radio
• Hit FM
• Silver Rain
• Yunost
• Lux FM
• Muz-TV
• MTV People’s Chart
• Music of the First
For details on how-to vote go here.
Amanda on 12.15.07 @ 11:38 AM CST [link]
Video: Channel 2 “Finding t.A.T.u.”
Source: forum
December 12th, Channel 2 showed various footage of “Finding t.A.T.u.” from earlier this year. Including scenes from the movie, clips of “You and I” and “Vremya Luni”, and an interview with t.A.T.u. Thanks to Matvei ( for capping.

Download • YouTube link
Amanda on 12.12.07 @ 02:15 PM CST [
More information
The last thing. We plan to release maxi-single Beliy Plaschik at the beginning of February. In addition to the BP song it will contain a couple of remixes, uncensored video as well as vocals from BP, maybe BP karaoke version and something else. Music video for the second single of this album will be released in March.
Release of the “Upravlenie Otbrosami” album is postponed to the April, 2008…
» Read more
Amanda on 12.12.07 @ 12:28 PM CST [more..]
Video: MTV News Block
Thanks jawier for the translation
December 10th, t.A.T.u. go to a party in Russia to check out a new British DJ, there MTV News Block’s cameras followed them, and they gave a small interview.

Download • Transcript
Amanda on 12.10.07 @ 05:36 AM CST [
Beliy Plaschik on MySpace!
Source: t.A.T.u.’s myspace
Today we have uploaded the new Russian t.A.T.u. single “Beliy Plaschik” (“White Robe”) to our MySpace page – now you can add it to your MySpace pages for all your friends to hear. The single was released to MTV Russia on 29th November in Russia.
We hope you enjoy the new song, and s.p.a.s.i.b.o. – thank you! – for your support.
Click here to view t.A.T.u.’s myspace profile.
Amanda on 12.07.07 @ 09:37 AM CST [link]
MySpace competition’s winners including AML!
Source: t.A.T.u.’s myspace
The MySpace Exclusive competition has now come to a close and we are happy to announce the winners as chosen by Lena and Yulia!
The ten users chosen to be in our Top Friends for the following month are as follows
The lucky friend who won the t.A.T.u. Shop Goodies and a copy of the new Russian album “Upravleniye Otbrosami” is gillesdepatisserie
Due to the way MySpace friends list works, we had space in our top friends for one extra person. We’ve decided to add the MySpace account of one of the most interesting t.A.T.u. Fansites – Visit our top friends to check them out.
Congratulations to our winners, and thanks to all who entered! More cool competitions will follow – we p.r.o.m.i.s.e.!
Thank you t.A.T.u. and t.A.T.u.’s management for including our myspace profile into your top friends! It’s very, very appreciated. We’re honored to be part of the official myspace and website. And all of our visitors with a myspace profile, please be sure to add us!
Amanda on 12.07.07 @ 09:07 AM CST [link]
Video: CTC “Story in detail”
As previously posted, t.A.T.u. were in CTC’s show “Story in detail”, where they were followed by cameras behind-the-scenes, including on-set of a new sexy photoshoot. Thanks nfne for capping it.

Download • Transcript soon
Amanda on 12.07.07 @ 08:54 AM CST [
MTV “12 Angry Viewers”
Watch the discussion of t.A.T.u.’s new video “White Robe” in the MTV show “12 Angry Viewers”
on the December, 14!
More news to come about the date when MTV will air “Making of White Robe”!
Amanda on 12.07.07 @ 08:26 AM CST [link]
CTC “Story in detail”
They are back in rotation, they are back in tops. Scandalous duo t.A.T.u are coming back again. After a two-year pause. Coming back in larger number. The release of their new album “WASTE MANAGEMENT”, the premiere of the “FINDING TATU” movie… and the birth of YULIA VOLKOVA’s second child are preplanned for beginning of the next year. This time the star is expecting a boy. The exclusive “Story in detail” about t.A.T.u's new situation.
“Story in detail” to be aired on STS channel tomorrow, on the December, 7, at 7:30 PM (Moscow time)
To be repeated on the December, 10 (Monday) at 00:00
and on the December, 11 (Tuesday) at 9:00 AM.
Amanda on 12.07.07 @ 08:24 AM CST [link]
Audio: Beliy Plaschik (DJ Stately Remix)
Source: Djstately.kx.czl
DJ Stately, the famous author of the t.A.T.u. v.s. Linkin Park remixes (can be found here), has created a new “Beliy Plaschik” remix and posted it on his website. It is, as expected, very good and worth a listen.
Download • YouTube link
Amanda on 12.06.07 @ 07:28 PM CST [
Request Beliy Plaschik – DFM 101.2
Request t.A.T.u.’s pre-single “Beliy Plaschik” on Radio DFM. Click here and fill out your name, email, and in the request field, put t.A.T.u. – Beliy Plaschik (or in Cyrillic). And click the Cyrillic writing for “Send the application” and you’re done!
Amanda on 12.04.07 @ 12:11 PM CST [
Gallery Update: New B1 Maximum Club HQ
On August 15th, 2007, t.A.T.u. performed in “B1 Maximum Club” in Moscow, Russia including new songs, most notably “You And I” and “Little People.” This concert was filmed exclusively for t.A.T.u.’s debut performance in “Finding t.A.T.u.” A few days later, I got ahold of over 80 exclusive HQs, and I’m bringing them back; with 7 new full-size HQs today. More will follow…
Amanda on 12.04.07 @ 10:32 AM CST [
Vote for Beliy Plaschik – MC Radio 107,2 FM
Source: forum
Vote for t.A.T.u.’s pre-single “Beliy Plaschik” on – MC Radio 107,2 FM. Click here then click the dot next to their name/single in Cyrillic. t.A.T.u. are already in 2nd place with over 120 votes. You can only vote once every hour.
Amanda on 12.03.07 @ 09:28 AM CST [
Tim’s Bitchin' Beliy Plaschik Extension
Tim has made a “Beliy Plaschik” extended remix for The length is 4:48, over a minute longer than the original, and features unique effects. To read more, including how he did it, click here.
» Download here
Tim on 12.02.07 @ 03:38 PM CST [
Beliy Plaschik Icons by Spencer
9 Beliy Plaschik icons by Spencer have been added to the icon section.
Lauren on 12.01.07 @ 09:03 PM CST [
Gallery Update: Beliy Plaschik Screencaps
Not only providing you with quality, but quantity aswell – here are 194 screencaps from the new music video Beliy Plaschik screencapped by me. If you use these on your site (whether it be on a graphic or in a gallery), please be respectful and credit us. Enjoy.
Lauren on 12.01.07 @ 08:45 PM CST [