Gallery Update: MTV Italy 2006 HQ

Amanda on 09.30.07 @ 08:18 PM CST [link]
Guys! Lena fans!
Miss Katina's birthday is quickly coming up on October 4th. We at AML want to dedicate a "special section" to her on her special day as we did with Yulia. But we need your help, the Lena fans. We're looking for fan videos and graphics dedicated to her. If you have any, please email us at,, or leave a comment on this entry.
Amanda on 09.29.07 @ 07:04 PM CST [link]
All tracks and vocals for the Russian album are ready. Mixing and mastering are scheduled for the beginning of November, which means that we can start printing the CDs at the end of November - beginning of December. It all will depend on the strategy of the local record-company that will distribute the album in Russia and CIS (I can't tell the label right now; when I can - I will).
The video for Beliy Plashik will be ready by the beginning of November.
Why are we shooting in Los Angeles? Not because of the "coolness" or inertia, but for purpose.
It's not because of the city itself - there will be no city in the video, actually. In that sense the video for Beliy Plashik can be shot anywhere, just like many other previous t.A.T.u. videos. It's because to get the result you and we want, we need People, with the level of professionalism we know and with whom we worked before. And those people are in Los Angeles.
California is far away and it's the less preferable choice considering Julia's pregnancy. But our Julia will be a hero: Being 6++ months pregnant she'll fly across the ocean and back and will do the video. Hard work.
Amanda on 09.28.07 @ 12:05 PM CST [link]
Source: &
October, 2 t.A.T.u. are leaving for Los Angeles to shoot their new video on the song “Belyi Plashik” (“White Robe”). The track will be a pre-single of the album with a working title "Upravleniye Otbrosami" (“Waste Management”). More detail here.
Amanda on 09.27.07 @ 01:11 PM CST [link]
Cute photoshoot the girls did in around 2002.
Source / Creator: EmilOsterstrom
A very creative fan remix and video was posted on youtube by EmilOsterstrom, a 21 year old from Sweden. The remix features twenty two t.A.T.u. songs (list here), while the video shows each lyric written on a post-it note zoomed in by a camera. At the end all the notes together equal a large "t.A.T.u." on a wall. Download at yousendit or We think it's fan art winning worthy.
Thanks Ev and Svetatumanka
Translation by Argos
On there were news on the 18. September, that Yulya and Lena will travel to the U.S.A. at the end of September to shoot the clip for "White Robe". In this clip Yulya's pregnancy will be clearly shown. Lena asked to inform the fans that she will not be at home on her birthday, so they don't wait in vain at her home. The girls will come back on 10. October.
Amanda on 09.23.07 @ 02:08 PM CST [link]
Thanks Matvei for capping / uploading
Thanks Adruz for uploading to YouTube
New programm C.C.C.P. with Tatu on Ren-TV Channal, tomorrow at 22:05 at Moscow time.
The Rumours. The Scandals. The Sensations. The Investigations.
"Who and Where steal the money of t.A.T.u.?"
Ivan Shapovalov: "I don't sell the girls by so cheap price..."
Yulia's daughter, Vika, is turning 3 years old today. We wish her the best and can't wait until she's able to enjoy her birthday. Happy birthday Vika!
Amanda on 09.23.07 @ 12:10 PM CST [link]
Neon Magazine (Russia) asked Lena Katina to be one of the experts in discussing REMIXES.
Lena Katina (t.A.T.u.)
Miracle of Song's Rebirth
I got serious about remixes after we had to deal with them in our work. Before that I just listened to the music on the radio and didn't question myself if a song was an original track or a cover version. Many years ago, when our songs were not played a lot, we visited some club and heard a remix on Ya Soshla S Uma, which surprised us very much. That moment I realized that any song can be given a second wind with the right remixing.
Copy or Original
Remix is a secondary product and it is rarely as interesting as the original song. A remixed song sounds much brighter and more interesting when it's remixed by a DJ who already has his or her own style and who's able to make this remixed song a self-sufficient music product. For example, the new version of Ludi-Invalidi song made by Vanya Kilar is great work and is perceived as something new. I used to play this remix in my car for quite a while.
About Demand and Different Offers
Usually we work with DJ's through a record label that gets remixes from Russian and foreign professionals. DJ must fix all copyright issues and copyright usually belongs to a record label. But if an artist hears a cool remix that is already done, the remix has all chances to appear on the album. It's cool that there are many gifted arrangers and musicians in this field in Russia now. The important thing for us is the result, and we don't care where this professional comes from.
Who Needs Remixes
Actually any song can be remixed - it all depends on your wish. But still there're songs and artists that are self-sufficient and don't need remixes. The latter is true about real rock bands. Why remix "Chaif" or "Kino" songs (Russian rock bands - Many remixes on t.A.T.u. songs have been made. Several thousands of professional and fan-remixes exist. We even have an album of remixes - it's a necessary thing in today's music band's collection.
25 caps from Obezankya Nol from TRUTH.
I got my TRUTH DVD in the mail on Tuesday, the day of's official release. I was like a little girl opening presents on Christmas, I was so lucky to have received it very quickly and others not. In general, I'm a very lucky t.A.T.u. fan, between my merchandise, the popularity of my site, and my media collection of audio, HQ photos, and video.
I took advantage of my situation of having TRUTH so early. I've literally been playing it non-stop, in my DVD player on my TV, in my DVD player on my wide computer screen-- neither of them better than the other.
The intro gives me shivers. Starting with the girls speaking in Russian, fading into the band playing instruments fastly and loudly, with fireworks going into a shaking image of the legendary "t.A.T.u." and fans in the background, purely excited and ready for the show.
Before you know it, the LI intro is playing, and the girls are being shined on by a spotlight in dark, black coats. They are the main attraction. Quickly you hear Lena's pure, haunting voice begin to sing. And Yulia picks up her lead. You know now the show has begun.
And what do you expect at a t.A.T.u. show with over 10,000 fans, fire and explosions, video imagery, and Lena and Yulia singing their hearts out?
One hell of a show that my writing couldn't do it justice.
What makes the difference aside from the amazing quality and new angles, is that inbetween every few songs are bonus materials, and if you use your imagination, can show a bit of what is behind the scenes. And the effort that is put into making a show the best it can be.
TRUTH is not only what t.A.T.u. show in their concerts (10,000 or 10), not only in their one-of-a-kind voices, not only in their love for each other, and not only in their well-known videos. TRUTH is t.A.T.u., and this DVD shows it, as much as it can be shown.
Long live t.A.T.u.
Another exclusive from me. I think I may have a knack for this.
The eagerly awaited t.A.T.u. DVD "Truth: Live in St. Petersburg" is nearly upon us. The DVD contains footage from their concert which was filmed live on April 28, 2006. With a release date of September 12th in Japan, the 78-minute long DVD, which also contains behind- the-scenes footage of Yulia and Lena's private lives, is sure to be a big hit.
Purchase your copy of the DVD from
I've created screenshots of the "steps" you need to do to successfully order the DVD for international buyers, up until step 8, then it remains in English. Who knows, once it's released officially (we can only hope), we may have a contest for those who are unlucky enough to buy it-- can win it.
Hollywood actress Mischa Barton finished the shootings in Moscow
For some reason you immediately want to speak Russian with Mischa Barton. Blond hair, tender blush, big blue eyes - only a bit empty look betrays her. This is usual for foreigners who experience a language barrier. We talk in a trailer on the set of the movie Finding t.A.T.u., where Mischa plays the main character. Her character, a Russian girl from province Lana Starkova comes to conquer Moscow and after overcoming all difficulties becomes a famous singer. Mischa was also "lost in translation" and experienced some inconveniences. But it didn't spoil her impression about the country at all and for sure didn't affect her mood and her efficiency on set.
A year ago a "typically slavish" look of 21-year-old "The O.C." star was appreciated by director Roland Joffe, known to our audience for a movie "Vatel"; he invited her to work with Russia. She agreed offhand and in just two months of shooting confessed that she felt herself "so Russian".
Mischa, by the way, what's the origin of your name? You've probably heard many times that it's Russian, but male.
It was my mom's idea to name me so. She just heard it somewhere and liked the way it sounded. My mom actually thinks that people with unusual name must have an unusual destiny.
What is your strongest impression after being two months in Russia?
Russia exceeded all my expectations. My friend warned me about cultural shock. But I didn't have it. I saw a country with an incredible culture and wonderful people. Russians are very patient and kind. I want to learn a lot from them.
And how about Russian men? Do they have any chance to win your heart?
I like Russian guys, they are very cute (Laughs) I met many attractive men in clubs, where my close friend invited me. And I won't deny that they have chances to get acquainted with me. Especially now, when I don't have a boyfriend.
Why did you decide to take part in this Russian-American project "Finding t.A.T.u."? Do you like the band?
Frankly I've never been a fan of t.A.T.u., but I got excited about the opportunity to work with them on the movie. You can't imagine how interesting Russian bands are for Americans. It's real exotics for us! I chose Roland Joffe's project also because it's an independent cinema. I don't want to be viewed as a "Californian girl" from "The O.C." show. I'm an actress who is able to play many different characters.
And what language do you speak with your partners on the movie set?
I tried to learn Russian, but, oh well, it was unsuccessful! My personal interpreter Lena helps to communicate and to pick up Russian accent. After all I have a complicated task - I must learn to speak English with Russian accent! Now I can understand some Russian expressions. Actually I like this feeling-at-home in Russia. I've recently moved from the hotel to an apartment on Stariy Arbat street.
Your apartment's conditions can be hardly compared to the hotel in Yaroslavl, where you spent two weeks. The conditions were probably "Spartan" there?...
Believe me, my Irish relatives also live quite a simple life. The only problem I had while staying in Yaroslavl is the absence of hot water. We didn't have it in the hotel for two days. But these difficulties helped me to better understand how Russians live. Actually Russia is a country of strong and clever people. And beautiful women.
Hollywood actress Mischa Barton spent the whole day on a yacht sailing in cold water of Moscow Canal, where Finding t.A.T.u. was filmed. Moscow impressed Mischa not less than her character - Lana Starkova, who according to the script, came to conquer the capital.
"I feel myself much older compared to my age mates because I usually among older and more serious people on movie sets".
In a crowd on Kazansky railway station one could hardly recognize either a Hollywood actress, or just a foreigner in this pretty young woman.
Ekaterina Vaseva / Hello! - Russia №32 / August, 7 2007
Amanda on 09.06.07 @ 01:32 PM CST [link]
Dear Mexican fans! We've got some special photos for you guys, from the two visits t.A.T.u. made in Mexico, 2005 and 2006. Enjoy! VIVA MEXICO!
8th September the channel NTV will broadcast a program called "You won't believe it!" where t.A.T.u. will be one of the heroes. The time of broadcast is 21.55 Moscow time.
In the new show of NTV "You won't believe it!" the hosters tells the viewers the most fascinating news from the show-business and reveal sensational facts.
A bit late, but happy birthday to t.A.T.u.'s drummer, Steve! Hope you enjoyed your day!
Amanda on 09.04.07 @ 12:43 AM CST [link]
Hello to every-every-everybody!
Want to share with you my impressions from vacations. Well, I had a break for the first time in the last three years. Can you imagine how happy I am??? So, one: When me and my sister arrived, the first couple of days I could not escape the thought that I needed to go somewhere and do something (I mean, interviews, shootings) and every time I realized that in fact I do not need to, I felt so relieved. Finally I’m on my own! By the way, we went to Italy, to Viareggio, little resort town at Toscana Coast. It’s just awesome! The sea, the sun… Two: the day we arrived we went to see “Bohema” by Puccini. It was very interesting to listen to Italian opera… The next day we went to Florence. Guys, it is a wonderful city with great architecture! We saw a lot – baptistery (only from the outside), Cathedral Church, Signoria Square with its beautiful sculptures, Uffizi Gallery, but we were there not that long. We came 40 minute before closing time, but we did see Botticelli and Da Vinci masterpieces. It was just incredible. The paintings almost breathed. I’ve never felt anything like that. Three: I finally visited Pisa and went to Field of Miracles (this is just the way it is named). My god, this is just magnificent. The Tower of Pisa is a real wonder of the world in every way! How’s it standing? On camera’s screen, though, the angle looks smaller for some reason. I’m so full of impressions. And I’m not going to tell you how cool it is to toast on the beach and swim in the sea – you know it yourself! Oh, one more cool town Lucca. So little, homely. These tiny streets, this architecture – great! The town inside the town. There’s a circular square there that was an amphitheater in the times of Roman Empire… All in all, I’m happy that I finally had vacations, got some rest and wonderful impressions. Italy is an awesome country. Just go there – incredible fun!
Muah! Your happy and rested Lenka!
P.S. Oh, and what wonderful food and restaurants! Wow! I'll have to work out
Amanda on 09.03.07 @ 02:25 AM CST [link]
As you all know, we have a lot of HQ (high quality) photos, which most are exclusive and specifically for AML. If people do use photos, we atleast expect them to keep the tags on with credit. But then there are some ignorant people out there on the internet risky enough to take off the tags and not credit, even with permission from us. What's even worse, is that people RETAG them with their own ugly little tag. So please, unless you want to have your host contacted and you reported for redistributing content plus a bad reputation, don't use our photos in the wrong way. If you really want to use them, ask us.
This is a reminder, not a warning.
Lauren on 09.02.07 @ 09:15 PM CST [link]