9 new avatars
I was going through my photobucket and spotted some avatars I had custom made for me a long time ago. I forgot who made them, but once I found out, I'll be sure to credit them. Now we have over 250 avatars! (but soon we will do some 'summer cleaning').

»View all icons
Amanda on 05.30.07 @ 11:57 PM CST [
Lena's diary
Source: Tatu.Ru
Hi, guys! Look... Some time ago a dog came to our dacha and decided to stay. Of course, a homeless dog, no breed. And she recently had some fun somewhere - and now we have a whole family. Eight puppies were born. So little, so pretty, so funny. Five, unfortunately, died the day they were born. And three are now living with us. The helathiest, so to speak - they passed natural selection. What to do with these three girls - I have no idea. It is a pity to give them away, but six dogs is too much for us. Therefore I'm asking you for help. I'll give them to caring, responsible and kind people, who look for a real friend. Puppies are faithfull, clever, strong. They are 2,5 months old, in a week they will have all necessary injections. I asked to post some photos of them. Who'll take one?...
Dear friends, if you decided to take one of the puppies, please write us a letter at info@tatu.ru with a subject Puppies. Lena will choose several people...
who will be invited to see the cuties and take one home. The pictures of the puppies are here.
Please, note, that this is only for those living in Moscow or close to Moscow.
Amanda on 05.30.07 @ 11:55 AM CST [
Tatu.ru photo gallery update
Source: Tatu.ru
Tatu.ru has updated their gallery with photos from the Moscow Gay Pride events that took place on May 26-27.
Go check 'em out!
svEn on 05.29.07 @ 02:28 PM CST [
Picture & report of Gay Parade

Thanks netute for the great photo!Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina of the Russian pop group Tatu also briefly appeared the demonstration, but quickly left as their car was pelted with eggs. The all-girl band has attracted worldwide attention in recent years with suggestive performances though the singers have said they are not lesbians.
Source | Thanks
Amanda on 05.27.07 @ 10:17 AM CST [
Video & caps of Moscow Pride conference

»View caps | Download video (save as..)
Thank you Matevi and RowerB.
Amanda on 05.27.07 @ 10:06 AM CST [
Julia pic & article on Moscow Pride
Source: Yahoo! News

Singer of Russian pop group Tatu, Yulia Volkova, speaks during a news conference on a planned Gay Pride gathering, in Moscow May 26, 2007. Up to 200 gay rights activists plan to gather on Sunday outside the office of Moscow's mayor to persuade city authorities to lift a ban on a Gay Pride march in the Russian capital.
Amanda on 05.26.07 @ 05:56 PM CST [
t.A.T.u. in torn clothes
Source: Tatu.Ru
Visitors were shocked when they saw t.A.T.u. in torn clothes in one of Moscow fast-food restaurants. Hello! magazine managed to catch girls!

»View full story
Amanda on 05.26.07 @ 10:54 AM CST [
More on gay parade
Source: Tatu.ru
t.A.T.u. decided to have a break in recording their new album in Los Angeles and came to Russia to support Moscow Gay Pride. Tomorrow Julia and Lena will attend Gay Pride press conference. t.A.T.u. also plan to take part in a street parade.
Amanda on 05.25.07 @ 10:23 AM CST [link]
They have arrived
Glimpse of my clippings:

...scans soooon...
Amanda on 05.24.07 @ 10:38 AM CST [

The contest has ended! Thank you all for participating! We will announce the winner of the Taty Come Back novel on July 5th, judged by my friends and I, and I will send it out around July 8th.
See the winner here:
Lauren on 05.20.07 @ 01:18 AM CST [
50,000 myspace friends!
Source: Tatu.ru
A 50.000 friend joined us on official t.A.T.u. MySpace-account last night. Thank you, guys, for your support - now we have more than half of a hundred thousand friends! Besides, t.A.T.u. have constantly been present in top-10 electro-artists of MySpace (don't forget to choose Electronica section in the field of Genre while viewing the rating).
Amanda on 05.18.07 @ 06:34 PM CST [
First Contest!
Yes, AML is finally having it's first contest soon!
Everyone is welcome to enter! Whoever makes the most creative fake movie poster for the upcoming movie "Finding t.A.T.u.", will win a prize!
Full details will be announced later.
Lauren on 05.17.07 @ 02:21 PM CST [link]
t.A.T.u. about gay community
Source: Tatu.ru
Dear friends!
We are addressing gay community in Russia and in the rest of the world in relation to Gay Parade being organized in Moscow on May, 26-27.
We’re now in Los Angeles recording the new album. As always, our music will be about people and standing for people, about love and standing for love. We think that every person should express his or her love to another person in the way these two people wish, and no third parties may interfere with their dogmas. We are supporting people disregarding their sexual orientation or any other differences.
When t.A.T.u.’s second album came out, many of our fans of alternative sexual orientation thought that we lied and betrayed them. This is not true! We’ve never done that and we’ve always advocated love without boundaries.
We will really try to take a time-out in recording and come to Moscow to support you.
Julia and Lena, t.A.T.u.
Amanda on 05.17.07 @ 11:10 AM CST [link]
Gallery Update: 200 km/h cassette [Thailand Edition]
Today I received my 200 km/h in the Wrong Lane Thailand Edition cassette w/ unique key chain & picture sleeve.
Amanda on 05.15.07 @ 12:01 PM CST [
More German clippings coming...
Your crazy webmaster, me aka Amanda, spent a hefty $82/€61 on German clippings. There are over 70 clippings in this lot, and I'm determined to scan them all for you (when I get them). Well, I'm going to have a party now.

Preview - only one part of it.
Ebay link
Amanda on 05.14.07 @ 11:20 AM CST [
312 press photos (articles, pics, etc)
These are from my 12,000 tatyru.com picture CD.

* Preview doesn't contain tatyru.com tags like others.
** Batch added. Sorry for just plain out lame ones.
Amanda on 05.13.07 @ 10:42 PM CST [
Gallery Update: ATTSS & NGGU promo ads
Last scans for the night, enjoy!
Amanda on 05.13.07 @ 10:06 PM CST [
Gallery Update: Dangerous and Moving [Promo Acetate]
And here is a Japan promo acetate...
Amanda on 05.13.07 @ 10:05 PM CST [
Gallery Update: Screaming for More [Japan Promo]
I'm finally getting back into scanning. Expect many more great rare scans soon!

PS. Don't mind the former size; since this was sealed it collected more dust. Actual scans of other items will be larger. :)
Amanda on 05.13.07 @ 09:43 PM CST [
No club show
Source: Tatu.Ru
The information about t.A.T.u. show on May, 26 in German club "Adrenalin - Nachtpalast" is not true. Advertising campaign organized by the club is disinformation of the fans.
Amanda on 05.13.07 @ 09:57 AM CST [link]
Troy Blog Entry
Sorry I'm late on this entry, guys... I've been busy. Hope you understand.
Source: TroyMaccubbin.com
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
G'day from Australia!!! @ 9:25 PM EST
G'day Guys,
A huge G'DAY from AustraliaExclamation
Yes, I just landed in Melbourne Australia and its great to be home!
Its been over 2.5 years since I've been back to Australia. Dam I miss it!
I was starting to loose my Aussie accent! hehehe Only joking.
Going to be catching up with a lot of old friends and heading back to Traralgon, my home town, where I grew up. My old stomping ground! Where it all began!
Anyway I'm home for a little bit and very excited to catch up with family and friends. A few beers will be drank my friends!
So I guess most of you know by now that we didn't go to Egypt.
The show was cancelled last minute. But I have been told we will get there later this year. Fingers crossed!
So after my little catch up time here in OZ, I'll fly back to LA to continue working on my album and Tatu's.
I think Julia & Lena get back to LA soon to continue recording vocals too. No more news that end guys. But l'm looking forward to throwing down my guitar parts and bringing the ROCK to this album!
Really excited to get out and play some shows in LA.
Still waiting to hear news on those shows, but hopefully soon.
Thanks guys for all the support and e-mails.
Keep them coming! www.myspace.com/Troymaccubbinmusic
I will be releasing some other exciting things very soon too, before my album.
Can't say too much, just keep checking in.
Must run!
Talk soon guys!
More pics to come too!
Stay safe
Good on ya!
Amanda on 05.11.07 @ 05:04 PM CST [link]
New Lena diary entry
Source: Tatu.ru
Well, I can say both hello and goodbye! We’re on the way to the airport. After some time spent at home going back to the States to continue the work on the album. By the way, sometimes, when I start writing to you, I get this “empty head” thing… And the day before I was full of things to write about! Now it’s the same – what shall I write? About Pashtet? He’s the same. Lives his happy life. About Anatoliy? Everything’s also good. Love and roses and so on June, 6 he turns 25! Anniversary! (Hopefully, I’ll be back by then!) About me? You know almost everything. So this time let’s do it this way – write somewhere on the forum your questions, and me and Julia will answer them in a week. Volchitsa took her lap-top with her!
Wish us luck. We’re doing our best.
Kisses on cheeks,
Amanda on 05.11.07 @ 12:46 PM CST [link]
3 Mash-Ups by Mick Bowman
These are 3 song mash-ups by Mick Bowman (aka DJ Spit-Fire on myspace) submitted to allmylove.org! They are very well made and worth a download. Enjoy and thanks Mick!
01. Show Me All My Love
02. Belochka Or Foe
03. Friend Or Normalno
^Save target as.For more great donated remixes by our visitors,
see our unofficial remixes section under 'Donated Remixes'. And feel free to
submit yours!
Amanda on 05.04.07 @ 11:37 PM CST [
Gallery Update: Vauhtiajot 2006 HQ by Matti Ouvinen
[Thanks Lauiii for information] Here are two Dangerous and Moving promo tour pictures from Finland by Matti Ouvinen of racingimages.fr. They are excellent shots from what looks like a great show.

PS. If the image is too big for the div, then please go to
photos to view. I am still tampering with the settings and have not yet overcome all the errors.
Amanda on 05.04.07 @ 10:47 PM CST [
Roland Joffe interview
Source: Tatu.Ru
Roland Joffe Back in Moscow
Renowned British director, scriptwriter and producer Roland Joffe (“Vatel”,” The Scarlet Letter”,”The Mission”) came to Moscow to work on his new feature film “Finding t.A.T.u.” adapted from A. Mitrofanov’s novel “t.A.T.u. COME BACK”. The shooting is set to begin in May.
Please, click here to read the interview.
Amanda on 05.04.07 @ 01:30 PM CST [
April Fan Art winner!
Source: Tatu.Ru
We are proud to present April winner of Fan Art competition – Simone Bennett, a 22-year-old artist from England, who submitted almost a dozen of t.A.T.u. inspired portraits. Congratulations, Simone! We’re waiting for more

We’re now waiting for new submissions
until the end of the month to announce our May winner and give this creative person some nice t.A.T.u. shop things. And… guys,
let your art be truly original and unique. G.o.o.d. l.u.c.k.!
I know I'm going to be spammed with 'you should of won!'. I already have been. It's fine! I got an article posted, far more valuable. Do you agree? Congrats to the winner - cool artwork indeed!
Amanda on 05.02.07 @ 12:19 PM CST [
Egypt show postponed
Source: Tatu.Ru
Due to technical reasons the concert in Egipt is unfortunately postponed. New show date will be announced later.
Amanda on 05.01.07 @ 01:36 PM CST [link]