02/19/2010: "Our birthday page for Yulia Volkova"
Source: allmylove.org
We have opened our birthday page for Yulia Volkova. Please, post your birthday wishes there.

Source: allmylove.org
We have opened our birthday page for Yulia Volkova. Please, post your birthday wishes there.
Replies: 2 Comments
on Friday, February 19th, From Adrian Rios[a•d•R•I•a•n™] said
Happy Birthday Yulia! I remember when I saw All The Things She Said and Not Gonna Get Us when I was just 8! and now Im seeing Sparks I cant believe how beatiful you've turned out! You've grown up so much! Im so proud of you! being one of Russia's most successfull women! May you spent your birthday happy, full of joy, and with your loved ones!! With lotsa love, Adrian Rios of the U.S.A
on Friday, February 19th, a•d•R•I•a•n™ said
Seeing as how I never got the hang of the forums on tatu.ru Ill post another comment here about my Birthday wishes for Yulia! all that I ask is if someone PLEASE help me by posting it on the happy birthday wishlist for Yulia on the forums! please! and thank you!