05/30/2007: "Lena's diary"
Source: Tatu.Ru
Hi, guys! Look... Some time ago a dog came to our dacha and decided to stay. Of course, a homeless dog, no breed. And she recently had some fun somewhere - and now we have a whole family. Eight puppies were born. So little, so pretty, so funny. Five, unfortunately, died the day they were born. And three are now living with us. The helathiest, so to speak - they passed natural selection. What to do with these three girls - I have no idea. It is a pity to give them away, but six dogs is too much for us. Therefore I'm asking you for help. I'll give them to caring, responsible and kind people, who look for a real friend. Puppies are faithfull, clever, strong. They are 2,5 months old, in a week they will have all necessary injections. I asked to post some photos of them. Who'll take one?...
Dear friends, if you decided to take one of the puppies, please write us a letter at info@tatu.ru with a subject Puppies. Lena will choose several people...
who will be invited to see the cuties and take one home. The pictures of the puppies are here.
Please, note, that this is only for those living in Moscow or close to Moscow.